Why hire a life coach?
Well because frankly, we were not meant to do this thing called life alone. As a certified health + life coach I hold a safe, non-judgemental space for people to explore who they are, blocks they have and what they truly want to make their life something they can be proud of and say it was well lived. If you are a fit for us to work together, you can rest assured it is because I already see you as the best possible version of yourself and feel confident that I can help you see that as well. Having an unbias, neutral cheerleader in your corner is priceless. I know this first hand as I, a life coach hired a life coach myself, to help me grow.
That was hands down one of the very best investments I made in myself.
You deserve that too.
More about me below.

Your Trusted Health and Life Coach
More About Me, Aline #thenosugarcoatingcoach
More About Me, Aline #thenosugarcoatingcoach
I’d like to consider myself "seasoned" due to my life experiences. I grew up in Northern Ontario, Canada as the youngest and the only girl out of the family’s five children. I was fortunate to experience childhood in a loving home, although it was far from perfect or completely stable, love is never something I questioned.
When I was 13, my family moved to Midwestern Ontario. This is where I’d eventually meet my husband, have two beautiful girls, and build a life I use to just dream of as a child.
However, throughout my whole life, I have been handed a series of challenging, life-changing experiences. Don’t let the perfectly put together photo of me at the top of this page fool you. I am as perfectly imperfect as they come. I am bursting with wisdom learned from very hard lessons. My goal is to share that with you along with knowledge, strategies, and proven practices that helped me. Now I have the obligation and privilege to pass this on.
As a wife and a mom to 2 wonderful girls, I decided to leave the corporate world, where I worked for 14 years, to create a work-life balance for my family as my husband's career required more time and attention. Little did I know that becoming a stay-at-home mom would play a key part in finding out who I really am and that I was made for more.
I became a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate in 2014, which got me on the path of wellness, personal development, and growth. I have several women to thank for this part of my journey. It unleashed a fire inside me to lead and help others. I then completed my Health and Life Coach Certification.
Focusing on habit change is what sets me apart from other coaches. I aspire to coach people to live their best life, identify and let go of the limiting beliefs that hold them back, and tap into their worth and potential.
I am here to inspire before I expire. I am the no sugar coating coach because I am not here to tell you what you want to hear, but rather hold a safe space for you to grow while being fully supported without judgment. I will share all the lessons, skills, and concepts I learned along the way and how practicing gratitude for all the highs and lows in life fundamentally changed my life. I will also be your biggest cheerleader who leads with compassion the entire way. I will uplift you to the highest version of yourself because I know it’s in you, even if you don’t believe it yet.
I see you.